Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I am my own worst enemy. Or perhaps it's my brain that is my enemy since I sometimes feel as though it's a separate being.

My current battle with my brain, daily over exertion on having too many ideas and not enough time. Between that, remembering what I need to take note of so I don't forget later, and keeping up with a household, I have a full day ahead of me. Everyday.

I try to dedicate at least 2 full days to my madness. This mostly consisting of new business ideas and opportunities. I find it so hard to be able to sit and focus for more than an hour for the mere fact that I have 10 other things I have to clean up or take care of around the house. I did manage however, to make a personal goals list. I feel like once I get started on that, I can focus on things much easier and efficiently.

I am starting with my diet. While I've always tried to be healthy, I am now ready to rid my body of unnecessary toxins. Since I don't have the luxury of working out whenever I want or even being able to leave the house to do so with two kids, I'll be dedicating time to yoga and cardio at home. My diet will be strictly vegan, focusing largely on raw foods and homemade juices.

Besides that, I've got some great things in the works for Get Fresh Designs. New jewelry and small works coming soon.