Saturday, March 29, 2014

Coming Out Of The Grow Closet

Hello Friends,

For the past 5 months I have been leading a double life. I haven't wanted to expose my secret for fear of losing some of you as friends. To some, this is a taboo subject. To others, it's trivial. But to me, it's my life.

I became a medical marijuana patient this last fall to treat the severe anxiety I was suffering from. My existing IBS symptoms became worse, and I was no longer able to eat or move for long periods of time. My quality of life was diminishing. At first, I was really nervous about openly using cannabis as medication. Simply because I grew up in the 80's, I attended D.A.R.E. Drugs were bad, and pot was a drug....right?

The Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp (CRRH) began a patient based service called the Cannabis Club Crawl. I of course attended as an employee and patient of the crawl. Going into the dispensary for the first time was nerve racking, but the excitement and happiness of having the resource took over. I began exchanging stories with other patients and learning the true impact cannabis has had in all of their lives, and it changed me. It motivated me and turned me into a voice for those who can't speak up.

We need this medicine. It's saving our lives, making our lives fun again. There's nothing wrong with promoting health and happiness. Even if it does come from a source most are not used to. We now have the opportunity to make not only our health, but our economy better by allowing this plant to return to our crops. The impact of industrial hemp in Oregon would create jobs, sustainability, and a financial future for our communities.

So there it is. Thank you for taking the time to read this and allowing me to share it with you. I hope the information can be passed along and help another person in need.

Peace, Love, Unity

Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp

Thursday, October 17, 2013


As I grow older, I find my thoughts wondering off to previous chapters of my life. I recollect funny memories, and wonderful things friends have done for myself and others. Then I realize that the only reason I am who I am today, is because of these people. All of the life decisions, my voice of reason, my passion and dedication, is influenced by them.

I have a friend whom I have known since I was 17 years old. I met her at a very crazy and uncertain time in my life. I was in a city alone, and didn't know anyone. I was desperate to figure out how to live in Los Angeles and not have to return to Salem. The chapters of her and I have led us through great adventures, tests of friendship, and a lifetime of bonding moments that have us glued together for life. I experienced life in a way I never thought possible. I learned so many lessons about the basic working functionality of friendships and relationships, and the needs of a single human being besides myself. I absorbed aspects of her work ethic and desires, keeping me tenacious in everything I do.

Once I had worked through the kinks of working in a professional setting, I landed a marketing assistant position that allowed me to bring infant Madison to work with me. I worked out of his home office, which was I was not used to but quickly adapted. I mentally gathered as many tips and ticks I could since this was someone who had business figured out. He taught me the ins and outs of the marketing industry, how important it is to have contracts, keeping track of business related expenses, and the importance of maintaining business relationships. As a trained chef, he also shared cooking techniques and recipes which has now morphed into my own style of cooking. For all of you who have tried my food, he is the one to thank.

After 10 years in Los Angeles, I had grown tired of the rat race. I had become cynical and wanted to escape. I couldn't imagine living anywhere other than Oregon. Unfortunately a failed relationship curbed my desire to return for another year. Once I started living for the day instead of trying to plan my next year, I started having fun again. I embraced my city of Long Beach and didn't say no to any opportunity that arose. Which is how I fell in love with my fiance. He had asked me to go to Furthur in San Francisco which was a three day event. Having never been to San Francisco, I had to go. Once I started spending all of my time with him I started learning about our current environmental state, positivity, and veganism. He instilled in me a passion for preserving the earth and everything in it and brought me out of the negative funk I was in. We battled crazies, and lived aboard a sailboat. Our journey has just begun. He has instilled in me a sense of adventure, and desire to explore nature again, and how to think big and outside of the box.

After this thought process of how I got to be, I have come to the conclusion that I am truely grateful for every single person that has helped me along the way. Which is why I keep so many as close as I can. So that one day I can return the favor and give thanks for contributing to my personality.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Positivity VS Negativity

As I continue my path through adulthood, I become hyper aware of my personality, surroundings, and exchanges with others. I see behavioral habits that have been learned from my father, and some I've created myself. Ideally I would like to be the duck that let's water roll off it's back, but growing up around someone who constantly sees the negative in every aspect of his life has created mental obstacles for me now. Situations build and get worse and I fall back on what I know instead of what I'm trying to achieve.

I have to remember that every spec of negativity I put into the universe, will come back to me. Just like the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The stress causes overwhelming feelings of losing control and a morphed opinion about who I am which in turn creates the snowball effect that consumes me. My family then suffers because I become unsatisfied with how things are going and lose patience and understanding.

One of the biggest hurdles I'm trying to jump over, is my past. As I become set in my ideals and habits, I also have issues surfacing that just won't hide any longer. Unfortunately explaining these subjects to those around me proves to be more difficult than I thought and transfers into something else. Which merely shields the truth temporarily. Sometimes I feel lost, my brain is blank, my communication lost. Mental limbo. Afraid to talk, afraid if I don't talk I could lose it all.

The one place I can find strength and clarity is in Buddhism. We are in control of our lives. Our lives shouldn't be in control of us. If I can overcome the initial instinct to feel anger, and instead feel empathy, I can conquer all. I am the koi swimming to rise to the top of the murky water like the lotus. I have achieved great things in my life. As long as I can stay aware and focused, I can be content.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I am my own worst enemy. Or perhaps it's my brain that is my enemy since I sometimes feel as though it's a separate being.

My current battle with my brain, daily over exertion on having too many ideas and not enough time. Between that, remembering what I need to take note of so I don't forget later, and keeping up with a household, I have a full day ahead of me. Everyday.

I try to dedicate at least 2 full days to my madness. This mostly consisting of new business ideas and opportunities. I find it so hard to be able to sit and focus for more than an hour for the mere fact that I have 10 other things I have to clean up or take care of around the house. I did manage however, to make a personal goals list. I feel like once I get started on that, I can focus on things much easier and efficiently.

I am starting with my diet. While I've always tried to be healthy, I am now ready to rid my body of unnecessary toxins. Since I don't have the luxury of working out whenever I want or even being able to leave the house to do so with two kids, I'll be dedicating time to yoga and cardio at home. My diet will be strictly vegan, focusing largely on raw foods and homemade juices.

Besides that, I've got some great things in the works for Get Fresh Designs. New jewelry and small works coming soon.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Clue To The Mystery

 At 27 years old, I finally feel like I'm starting to discover who I am. 10 years ago I was just a naive and lost little girl running from the past, and unsure of the future. I was desensitized of true feeling, and incapable of real trust of others. If someone asked me to describe myself, I could recall I had eyes, voice, and things people wanted to hear that you are so you can be accepted. But who I really was, was still a mystery to me.

I see now it was just a matter of inexperience, lack of social interaction, and unfamiliarity with my surroundings. It was a mixture of who am I supposed to be, and who do I want to be. Being in Los Angeles this last 10 years has provided a plethura of characters and influences. Almost a sin city in itself. I feel like I grew up here. Learned my hardest lessons, ate the most crow. Survived the greatest nightmare.

Now that I have reached a new chapter, I feel like I just took a step up in my life's stairs. It's brighter, happier, content. A strange feeling for me. As one who has been chased by misfortune and heartache, this is like taking your first breath into a new life. A new adventure.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My Mistress

Red velvet cake is my mistress. It's my favorite cake, cake, is what I mean. 9 times out of 10 I will say cheesecake when asked what kind of cake I would like. That one time of choosing red velvet, says it all. I recently had it and remembered how delicious it was. This is one of those times. Dirty whore.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

I am Pirate. Hear me Argh!

I realized the other day that I haven't spent a single night on land since the middle of February. This month I've discovered my love for this vessel that I currently call home. And I recently realized I don't get seasick, I get land sick.

I feel most accomplished when I fix and clean this boat. It's something I could never part with now. It's become my love and when I'm on land all I can think about it getting back on this boat. I am eternally tied to the sea.

I've always felt like I was a pirate. And during the ninja vs. pirate conversations, I would always root for the pirate. You can kill a pirate but they'll return. When you kill a ninja, all you have is a dead ninja. But before all this devotion, I had a tattoo done that was originally a piece by Roman Dirge. The sentence "Worst Pirate Ever!", with a dead and disappointed looking pirate who has a sword and spear stuck through him. I was attracted to the fact that it was funny and a good conversation starter. Plus I liked pirates so why not. Now, I see it as I won't be the worst pirate ever cause where there's a will there's a way and I'm pirating my way through life and loving it.