Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's New Years Eve..

This shitty ass year is almost at an end. I finally thought of my resolutions for 2010 as I washed yesterdays dishes and waited for dinner to finish baking.

Resolution #1: Pay off all my debt

Resolution #2: Follow through with my desire to leave CA

Resolution #3: Be financially stable

I'm not one to hope I'll lose weight, or find "The One". Honestly in my opinion, I'm beginning to think "The One" doesn't even really exist. So no worries there.. I came close to thinking I was reunited for a reason to the one I sincerely felt was "The One", but that disappeared just as fast as it showed up. Story of my life.

So what am I doing for the remainder of 2009? Spending time with Mad until she passes out and then drinking my vodka and smoking at least 1 pack of cigarettes.

I know 2010 has many more potentials than 2009 did. The theme for 2009 was taking out the trash. The theme for 2010? Making it all finally happen.