Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Thou shalt not judge..

..especially if you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Wendy Williams was on today while I was in a waiting room. Now I didn't mind her before. Well, I could go without cursing her presence on tv before. Now, not so much. One of her 'hot stories' was about how Jesse James and Kat Von D were out and about recently. And went on to say Kat was disgusting and looked dirty. Also saying the look of them together made her want to spray Lysol on them. While she did apologize to the 'tattoo community', she proceeded to go on about how their relationship started and ridiculed Kat for being with him so soon after Sandra.

So here's what I have to say to Wendy. As a person from the 'tattoo community' I would like to say FUCK YOU. Just because someone has a lot of tattoos DOES NOT make them any less of a person. Your comments were so offensive! Kat has so much negativity surrounding her already is it really necessary to keep fueling the fire? It's YOU that's the disgusting one for encouraging the public to judge someone based off their looks or choices.

Be a responsible public figure. Don't judge.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Above The Clouds

Oregon has a great way of opening my eyes to things and allowing me to deal with them in a California way. 

First example, just going for it. Like I always say, do what you want to do when you want to do it so you never have to wonder what if. I had to take my own advice on this one because I would have wondered what if. My feelings on the situation are not that of what one would normally expect. Because I can and do practice removing myself emotionally not only to save myself, but others as well.

This was a unique situation. Completely random, rewarding it's own way. To feel a wire buzz in your soul is magical.

The other eye opener is seeing that I was allowing myself to fall into old habits. Ones of pure forgiveness, understanding and naiveté. Being that good 'ol doormat. As much love as I have for him, it's just not fair to me to be sitting around waiting for nothing. This was a person who proclaimed love and fell severely short of delivering long term. The story of my life.

This luckily doesn't change my wanting to move home, just puts a damper on things. I don't know what the plan is now besides just focusing on making the most money possible and insuring the people I surround myself with can't get to me.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Home is where the heart is..

..and that home is NOT California. Being in Salem for a week really opened my eyes and validated a lot of what I new to be true. I've solidified my desire to be reconnected with my true love. I've experienced new appreciation for a slower paced life, and have been reminded of camaraderie that can only be found in Salem.

Even in time of intense drama, my heart felt no regret of my choice. And what I've learned during this trip is that no matter how much I've tried denying my need and desire to have a life with him, my heart knows what's right. Now is the hardest part. The time away.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Overnight Misadventures

The excitement of getting one of the newer buses quickly wore off when I was suddenly trapped by an overweight old woman who had me squished between my bags and the window. The frustration sunk in when I realized I had chosen a seat without a power outlet. So here I was finally leaving Los Angeles but without the satisfaction of having unlimited access to my Twitter, Blogger, and Facebook in fear of eating up my battery.

When we got into Sacramento at 5:55am a scheduled hour layover quickly took over my funk. I snatch the seat across the aisle which I had been eyeballing since it had one of the beloved outlets. Thinking I was all smart for thinking fast, that too soon diminished when I reboarded the bus only to find that the outlet was powerless.

After much inquiry and many long hours of impatient waiting while I watched my batteries slowly drain, the issue was finally remedied. Now I'm back to tweeting, Facebooking, and blogging for the rest of the trip.. Next stop, Medford, OR

Layover in LA

Sitting on the floor of the Los Angeles Greyhound station eating a spicy california roll with entirely too small chop sticks. The last time I was here was back in 2002 when I made the same trip from LA to Salem, OR.

I'm hoping now I'll get lucky and get one of the newer buses equipped with wifi and power outlets. The last trip all I could do was write and listen to my discman.

It's only 8:47pm and I still have to wait until 10:40pm..

Friday, April 29, 2011

Shaping The Bullshit

This 'vent' is brought to you by Sketchers Shape Ups..

While I was at work the other day, there was a woman who had this ridiculous pair of Shape Ups on. Two women walking the opposite way approached complaining about their feet. The woman is Sketchers used this opportunity to plug her beloved shoes. 
"Hey you guys should buy these!"
One woman looked down and and asked, "Are they those shaping shoes?"
"Yeah! And so far I've lost 25 pounds!", she replied. The women looked so surprised. "With a diet plan?" 
The woman said that she wasn't on a diet and that it was just from the shoes. 

So my vent is about lazy asses falling into false hopes and sucked in by good marketing. This woman honestly believes that by just wearing these shoes she's losing weight. I'll bet you she won't go near the scale because she wants so badly to believe that this is the simple answer. 

If she took the time to educate herself on healthy habits instead of eating whatever and stuffing herself into her magic shoes, she would be more successful in her endeavor. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Build your dreams to the stars above
But when you need someone to love
Don't go to strangers, darling, come to me

Play with fire till your fingers burn
And when there's no place for you to turn
Don't go to strangers, darling, come to me

For, when you hear a call to follow your heart
You'll follow your heart I know
I've been through it all, for I'm an old hand
And I'll understand if you go

Make your mark for your friends to see
But when you need more than company
Don't go to strangers, darling, come to me

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I know I spend too much time on my iPod Touch when..

1. I wonder why the computer isn't working right as I'm touching the screen instead of the mouse
2. I can't go a full 5 minutes without picking it up
3. I try to retweet on Facebook
4. I plan my day around only going to places with wifi
5. I've downloaded an app for any and every question, situation, and bill

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Things to do before I die

1. Meet Nikki Sixx
2. Have a music career
3. Own a restaraunt
4. Ride to Sturgess
5. Fly first class to England
6. Meet Russell Brand
7. Write a book about my life
8. Find my mom
9. Own a house in Redondo Beach CA & Portland OR
10. Own a clothing company

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

So I was struck with sickness yesterday. Woke up with a puffy face, sore throat, and was completely disoriented. I tried venturing out for the basics but had to sit down cause I thought I was going to pass out and throw up. Talk about miserable. Today I decided not to risk it and Googled restaurants that deliver. Eat24hours.com popped up and I used that. Life saver! Hopefully I get better soon. Hate being sick 